How to Use Cooling Towel: Beat the Heat Effortlessly

How to Use Cooling Towel

To use a cooling towel, simply soak it in water, wring it out, and snap it in the air. Apply the towel to your skin for an instant cooling effect.

A cooling towel is a smart invention meant to provide us with better regulation of body temperature, especially in hot conditions or after strenuous workouts. These towels ensure that you are in a very cool and comfortable position by tapping the power of evaporative cooling. Great for athletes and outdoor enthusiasts, and also for people looking for a quick and easy fix of the heat, cooling towels will give you instant relief.

Made of a special fabric that is permeable to the water yet has a permanent dryness to the touch, when soaked in water, cooling towels will stay cool for as long as one hour, making them an essential companion during workouts, hikes, or any other outdoor activity in the sun. Their lightweight and portable design allows you to easily pack them and have them readily available when you need to use them to rejuvenate from the heat.

10 tips to beat the heat with cooling towel

What is a cooling towel?

A cooling towel is a cloth made of a special fabric that keeps you comfortable in hot situations. It’s perfect for sports, training, or any outdoor event. The towel, which is manufactured using different materials, becomes cooler than the air around it when it is wet. You just put it in water, squeeze it out, and snap it on to turn it on. Also made lighter and more compact, it becomes a must-have to escape from the hot weather.


Materials And Technology Of Cooling Towel

The secret behind the cooling towels lies in their advanced fabrics and designs. Most towels are made from a blend of microfiber materials that have a high surface area for water evaporation. These materials include:
  • Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which absorbs a large amount of water,.
  • Microfiber mesh that enhances air circulation.
  • Cooling crystals in some towels can retain water for extended periods of time.
The technology integrated into these materials allows the towels to stay chilled for hours. Moreover, some towels are designed with UPF protection to shield your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

How does cooling towel work?

The cooling towel functions through simple science. Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Wet the towel with either hot or cold water.
  2. Wring out the excess water to avoid dripping.
  3. Shake or snap the towel for activation. This step uses the energy to speed up the evaporation process.
As the water evaporates, the towel absorbs heat from your skin. This creates a cooling effect that can last for hours. It’s a natural way to lower body temperature and stay comfortable in the heat.

Benefits Of Using A Cooling Towel

Staying cool under the sun can be tough. A cooling towel becomes your best friend. It beats the heat. Read on to discover the top benefits.

Instant Cooling Effect

Use a cooling towel and feel the chill instantly. Wet it, wring it, and snap it. Within seconds, it drops in temperature to keep you cool. No electricity or fridge is needed!

Sweatingcooling towel soaks up sweat
OverheatingProvides a cold barrier
Heat exhaustionIt helps lower body temperature


Great For Outdoor Activities

  • No heavy equipment.
  • Perfect for sports, camping, and gardening.
  • Bright colors are good for safety.

How Do You Use a Cooling Towel?

Feel the hot summer sun beating down on you? Why don’t you take a break with a cooling towel? Sports, workouts, and outdoor activities, such as trekking, require cooling down quickly. A cooling towel is advantageous for you when coping with extreme heat. User-friendliness and outstanding results are its main pros. The cooling towel is an ideal choice if you’re looking for instant relief. Use this guide below for a step-by-step procedure.

Soak In Water

This is the first step. Submerge your cooling towel in clean water. It could be tap, bottled, or even from a stream if you’re outdoors. Ensure every inch gets wet. The water starts the cooling process.

Wring Out Excess Water

Once fully soaked, remove the towel from the water. Now, wring it out well. Your goal is to keep it damp, not dripping wet. Squeeze gently until excess water is out. This dampness is crucial for the next step.

Snap Or Shake To Activate

Here’s where the magic happens. Hold the towel at both ends and give it a firm snap or shake. This action helps circulate air through the material, activating its cooling properties. You’ll feel the temperature drop.

Place in Desired Area

Ready for relief? Lay the towel over your neck, forehead, or other hot spots. Its cool touch offers immediate comfort. The cool fabric reduces your body’s temperature, helping you feel better quickly.

Re-wet As Needed

If your towel begins to warm up or dry out, simply repeat the steps. Soak it, wring it, and snap it to refresh the coolness. With this cycle, you can beat the heat all day long.

Tips And Tricks For Using A Cooling Towel

When the heat is on, a cooling towel becomes your best friend. Learn to use it like a pro with these tips and tricks. From pre-chilling to proper maintenance, mastering these tactics ensures you stay cool under the sun’s relentless glare.

Pre-chilling The Cooling Towel

Start with a cold blast. Soak the towel in water, wring it out, and then place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. This step guarantees an initial surge of coolness. Make sure to store the towel in a clean plastic bag while it is chilling to maintain hygiene and moisture.

Using In Combination With Ice Packs

Enhance the cooling power for extended relief. Wrap your cooling towel around an ice pack. This technique provides a prolonged temperature drop, making it ideal for long summer hikes or outdoor sports.

Applying To Pulse Points

Target your body’s cooling centers. Apply the towel to your neck, wrists, elbows, or behind the knees. Pulse points are thermal gateways, helping spread the cooling effect faster across your body.

Storing And Cleaning

While enjoying your ice-cold refreshment, toss the cup into the recycling bin. Following each use, rinse the towel with a mild washing detergent and then let it air-dry. Use another detergent instead of the fabric softeners, as they tend to be very harsh on your clothes and can also worsen their moisture-wicking ability. Fold it well and put it in a dry, cool place until its next use is very much required. This towel’s maintenance will make sure that it is always available for very nice and cool use. You should also clean your cooling towel in the proper way. 
Apart from sports, there are many uses for cooling towels. These include the cooling towels that can be used to fight the extreme heat. Providing jobs is just the surface part of this beneficial wellspring. Harness the new and multifaceted waters of the towel. To ease aches and pains, pamper pets, or even cool down at a picnic, cooling towels are a great necessity.

Relieving Headaches And Migraines

Cooling towels offer quick relief for headache sufferers. Drape a chilled towel over your forehead. The cool sensation eases the throbbing pain. It’s a natural remedy, ideal for those seeking drug-free solutions.

Aiding In Post-Workout Recovery

  • Decrease muscle temperature and reduce inflammation post-exercise.
  • Wrap the cool towel around the sore limbs.
  • Speed up recovery and feel refreshed faster.

Cooling Down Pets

Our furry friends can overheat. Cooling towels provide them comfort too. Wet the towel with cool water. Gently lay it over your pet’s back. Watch as they relax and enjoy the drop in temperature. Always monitor pets to ensure they’re comfortable with the towel.
one type of cooling towel

Frequently Asked Questions

Using a cooling towel is straightforward, but many users have questions to enhance their experience. The section below addresses common inquiries.


How long does the cooling effect last?

A quality cooling towel keeps you chilled for up to 3 hours. It varies with the ambient temperature and humidity.


What temperature of water should you use?

You should use room-temperature water to activate it. Cold water also works well.


Can you put a cooling towel in the freezer?

While freezing is an option, it isn’t needed. Cooling towels work effectively without freezing.


How Do You Clean a Cooling Towel?

To clean, rinse with mild detergent in cold water and let it air dry.


How Often Should You Wash a Cooling Towel?

Wash after each use to maintain hygiene and functionality.


Can you put a cooling towel in the dryer?

No, avoid the dryer. Air-dry for longevity.


How Do You Store a Cooling Towel?

Ensure it’s completely dry before storing to prevent mold.


What Is the Best Material for Cooling Towels?

Microfiber and cotton blends are top choices for their moisture-wicking abilities.


How Do You Activate Cooling Towels?

To activate cooling towels, soak them in water, wring out the excess, and then snap them three times to initiate the cooling effect.

Do You Have to Wet a Cooling Towel?

Yes, you need to wet a cooling towel to activate its evaporative cooling properties. Simply soak it in water, wring it out, and then snap it to chill.

Where is the best place to put a cooling towel?

The best place to put a cooling towel is around your neck or over your shoulders to maximize heat relief.

Do cooling towels really work?

Cooling towels effectively promote evaporation, offering a cooling effect when wet, wrung out, and snapped. They are useful for sports and outdoor activities.


Wrapping up, cooling towels offer a simple yet effective way to stay refreshed. Whether you’re an athlete, outdoor enthusiast, or just need a quick cooldown, they are the go-to accessory. Remember, proper usage and maintenance will maximize their benefits. Stay cool and comfortable wherever life takes you with this innovative tool by your side.

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