What to Do With Old Towels: 10 Creative Upcycles

What to Do With Old Towels

Repurpose old towels by using them as cleaning rags or donating them to animal shelters. These options extend their usability and reduce waste.

Old towels can find new life in various ways. Instead of discarding them, consider turning them into cleaning rags. They are perfect for dusting, wiping spills, or washing your car. Another great option is donating them to animal shelters. Shelters often need towels for bedding, bathing, and cleaning.

This not only helps the animals but also supports these organizations. Repurposing old towels is an environmentally friendly choice, reducing landfill waste. It’s a simple way to make a positive impact while keeping your home organized.

What to Do With Old Towels: 10 Creative Upcycles

Introduction To Towel Upcycling

Have you ever wondered what to do with old towels? Instead of throwing them away, consider towel upcycling. Upcycling gives old towels a new life and reduces waste. Let’s explore how you can upcycle your old towels.

Why Upcycle?

Upcycling is a creative way to reuse items. It helps in reducing waste and saving money. Old towels can be transformed into useful items. Here are some reasons to upcycle:

  • Cost-effective: Save money by creating new items from old towels.
  • Creative outlet: Enjoy crafting and personalizing your space.
  • Reduces waste: Fewer items end up in landfills.

Environmental Benefits

Upcycling old towels benefits the environment. It helps in conserving resources and reducing pollution. Here are some key benefits:

Less landfill wasteUpcycling reduces the amount of waste in landfills.
Resource conservationUsing old materials conserves resources needed to make new products.
Lower carbon footprintReusing items reduces the carbon footprint of production and transportation.
What to Do With Old Towels: 10 Creative Upcycles

Preparing Your Old Towels

Before you repurpose or donate your old towels, it’s important to prepare them properly. This involves cleaning and disinfecting, as well as assessing the fabric condition. Taking these steps ensures your towels are in the best shape for their next use.

Cleaning And Disinfecting

First, wash your old towels in hot water with a mild detergent. This helps remove dirt and grime. Adding a cup of white vinegar during the rinse cycle can help disinfect and soften the towels.

For extra cleaning power, you can add a half cup of baking soda. It helps eliminate odors and leaves the towels fresh. After washing, dry the towels on high heat. This further helps to kill any remaining bacteria or germs.

Assessing Fabric Condition

After cleaning, inspect your towels for wear and tear. Look for holes, frayed edges, or thin spots. If you find any, consider cutting the towels into smaller pieces for cleaning rags.

Next, check the towel’s absorbency. If it no longer absorbs water well, it may be best suited for tasks that don’t require absorbency. Another option is to use these towels as pet bedding or for car cleaning.

If the fabric is still in good condition, you can donate the towels to shelters or animal rescues. They often need towels for various purposes.

1Wash in hot water with detergent
2Add vinegar in rinse cycle
3Add baking soda for extra cleaning
4Dry on high heat
5Inspect for wear and tear
6Check absorbency

By following these steps, you can give your old towels a new lease on life. Properly preparing them ensures they are clean and ready for their next purpose.

Pet Bed Creation

Transform your old towels into a cozy bed for your furry friend. Making a pet bed is fun and eco-friendly. Your pet will love the comfort and you will love the savings.

Design Ideas

  • Simple Roll: Roll towels into a pillow shape and tie with ribbon.
  • Layered Mattress: Stack towels to make a soft, cushioned surface.
  • Envelope Style: Sew towels into an envelope shape for easy washing.

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Gather Materials: Old towels, scissors, needle, thread, and ribbon.
  2. Choose a Design: Pick one from the design ideas list above.
  3. Cut Towels: Cut towels to the desired size and shape.
  4. Sew Edges: Sew the edges to prevent fraying.
  5. Stuffing: Fill with extra towel pieces for added comfort.
  6. Secure: Sew or tie the final edges to keep stuffing in place.

Your pet will adore their new bed. You will love how simple it was to make.

Crafting Kitchen Items

What to Do With Old Towels: Crafting Kitchen Items

Repurposing old towels into useful kitchen items is a great idea. It’s eco-friendly and saves money. You can easily make dish rags and pot holders. Let’s dive into these fun DIY projects.

Making Dish Rags

Old towels make perfect dish rags. They are absorbent and durable. Here’s how to turn your old towels into dish rags:

  1. Cut the towel into small squares. Aim for 10×10 inches.
  2. Use a sewing machine or hand-stitch the edges. This prevents fraying.
  3. Your dish rags are ready to use!

Dish rags are essential for any kitchen. They help clean spills and wipe surfaces. Repurposing old towels saves money and reduces waste.

Creating Pot Holders

Pot holders protect your hands from hot pots and pans. Old towels are ideal for making them. Follow these steps:

  1. Cut the towel into rectangles. Each piece should be about 8×12 inches.
  2. Fold the rectangle in half. You now have an 8×6 inch piece.
  3. Sew around the edges, leaving a small opening.
  4. Turn the fabric inside out through the opening.
  5. Stitch the opening closed. Your pot holder is ready!

Pot holders are handy in every kitchen. They prevent burns and make handling hot items safer. Using old towels for this purpose is smart and resourceful.

ItemMaterials NeededSteps
Dish RagsOld Towels, Scissors, Sewing Machine or Needle and Thread1. Cut squares
2. Sew edges
Pot HoldersOld Towels, Scissors, Sewing Machine or Needle and Thread1. Cut rectangles
2. Fold and sew
3. Turn inside out
4. Close opening

Bathroom Accessories

What to Do With Old Towels – Bathroom Accessories

Old towels can be turned into useful bathroom accessories. This can give your bathroom a fresh and unique look. Here are a few creative ideas.

Bath Mats

Turn old towels into soft and absorbent bath mats. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Cut the towel into strips.
  2. Weave the strips together.
  3. Sew the edges to secure.

This makes your bathroom floor cozy and dry.


Old towels can be cut into smaller washcloths. This is a great way to save money.

  • Cut the towel into squares.
  • Hem the edges to prevent fraying.

These washcloths are perfect for cleaning your face or body.

Eco-friendly Cleaning Tools

Finding new uses for old towels helps reduce waste. It also saves money. Repurposing them into cleaning tools is a smart idea. Old towels can turn into reusable and eco-friendly options.

Reusable Mop Pads

Old towels make great reusable mop pads. Cut them into the shape of your mop head. Attach them securely with clips or Velcro. Wash and reuse them instead of buying disposable pads. This reduces waste and saves money.

1Cut towels to fit your mop head
2Attach using clips or Velcro
3Wash and reuse after each use

Dusting Cloths

Old towels are perfect for dusting cloths. Cut them into manageable sizes. Use them dry or slightly damp. They trap dust and dirt effectively.

  • Cut towels into small squares
  • Use them dry or damp
  • Wash and reuse multiple times

These dusting cloths are soft on surfaces. They do not scratch furniture or electronics. Reusing them helps keep your home clean and eco-friendly.

Home Decor Projects

Old towels can find new life in various home decor projects. Repurposing these fabrics not only helps the environment but also adds a personal touch to your home. Here are some creative ideas to get you started.

Wall Art

Transform your old towels into unique wall art. Cut the towels into different shapes and sizes. Use a hot glue gun to attach the pieces to a canvas or wooden frame. Mix and match colors to create a vibrant pattern. You can also paint over the towel pieces for a different effect. This project is both simple and customizable.

Decorative Pillows

Turn old towels into decorative pillows. Start by cutting the towel into two equal squares. Sew three sides together, leaving one side open. Stuff the pillow with cotton or old fabric scraps. Sew the final side shut. You now have a soft, cozy pillow for your couch or bed. You can also add buttons or ribbons for extra flair.

What to Do With Old Towels: 10 Creative Upcycles

Gardening Uses

Old towels can be very useful in the garden. They offer practical solutions for weed suppression and plant protection. Let’s explore these gardening uses.

Weed Suppression

Weeds can be a big problem in gardens. Old towels can help suppress them. Lay your old towels on the soil around plants. The towels block sunlight, preventing weeds from growing.

This method is eco-friendly and cost-effective. Towels also keep the soil moist by reducing evaporation. Simply place the towels and cover them with mulch or soil. Your garden will look neat and weed-free.

Plant Protection

Old towels can protect plants from harsh weather. During cold nights, cover delicate plants with towels. This keeps them warm and safe from frost.

In hot weather, use towels to shade plants. Drape them over stakes or frames. This shields plants from the sun and prevents wilting.

Old towels are also great for protecting plants from pests. Wrap towel strips around plant stems. This creates a barrier against insects and small animals.

Using old towels in your garden is a smart way to recycle. It helps your plants thrive while reducing waste.

Donation And Recycling

Old towels can pile up quickly, leaving you unsure of what to do with them. Instead of tossing them out, consider donation and recycling. These options not only reduce waste but also benefit others.

Where To Donate

Donating old towels is a great way to give back. Many organizations and shelters accept them.

  • Animal Shelters: Pets need towels for bedding and cleaning.
  • Homeless Shelters: Towels are in high demand for personal hygiene.
  • Daycare Centers: Kids use towels for nap time and spills.
  • Community Centers: They can be used for various activities and events.

Towel Recycling Programs

Recycling programs make it easy to dispose of old towels responsibly. Some companies and local services offer these programs.

Textile Recycling BinsDrop off towels in bins located around your city.
Retailer Take-Back ProgramsSome stores accept old towels for recycling.
Mail-In ProgramsMail your old towels to companies that recycle textiles.

Consider these options to keep your old towels out of landfills. Donating and recycling are simple steps that make a big impact.

Conclusion: The Impact Of Upcycling

Upcycling old towels brings many benefits. It helps both you and the planet. This practice can make a big difference. Let’s explore the positive effects through different lenses.

Personal Benefits

Upcycling old towels can save you money. You don’t need to buy new items. You can create useful things from old towels. Here are some ideas:

  • Make cleaning rags for the house.
  • Use them as pet towels.
  • Create comfortable bathmats.
  • Make reusable shopping bags.

These are just a few examples. Making these items at home is fun. It also brings a sense of achievement.

Global Advantages

Upcycling old towels helps the environment. It reduces waste and saves resources. Let’s look at some global benefits:

Less WasteFewer items in landfills.
Resource SavingReduces the need for new materials.
Lower Carbon FootprintDecreases pollution from manufacturing.
Conservation of WaterSaves water used in textile production.

Each small action counts. Upcycling old towels is a simple step. It contributes to a healthier planet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can I Do With Old Towels?

Old towels can be repurposed into cleaning rags, pet bedding, or even bath mats. You can also donate them to animal shelters.

Are Old Towels Recyclable?

Yes, old towels can be recycled. Many recycling centers accept textiles. Check with your local facility for guidelines.

How To Upcycle Old Towels?

You can upcycle old towels into dishcloths, reusable mop pads, or DIY bathrobes. Get creative with sewing projects.

Can Old Towels Be Donated?

Yes, many animal shelters and homeless shelters accept old towels. They use them for bedding and cleaning purposes.


Repurposing old towels can be both practical and eco-friendly. From cleaning rags to pet bedding, the possibilities are endless. This not only reduces waste but also saves money. So next time you replace your towels, think twice before tossing the old ones.

Small changes can make a big difference.

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